If you are a Direct-to-garment printer and looking to increase your production you need to take a look at Chiossi e Cavazzuti DUAL 1200, with a second lower conveyor belt to return the products and the SPEEDY T semi-automatic folder, with bagging or stacking program.
This combination allows the operator to stay in place operating DTG printer, Dryer and Bagger without leaving their location.
Thanks to our US Partner SPSI for the video below:
If you are a Direct-to-garment printer and looking to increase your production you need to take a look at Chiossi e Cavazzuti Dual 1200 electric conveyor belt, with return and the Speedy T automatic folder, with bagging or stacking program. This combination allows the operator to stay in place operating, DTG, picker, and bagger without leaving their location. NEED A DTG printer? We can help you with that too, EPSON F2100!
Gepostet von SPSI Inc am Montag, 6. Juli 2020
Courtesy of: https://www.spsionline.com/
#dtg #spsi #chiossiecavazzuti #foldingmachine #dryer #automation