To all our valued Customers, Resellers and Collaborators
We inform you that Chiossi e Cavazzuti will be closed in August 2024, from 2nd to 25th included.
In this period, our spare parts and warehouse depts will not be able to answer to any eventual request.
To avoid troubles about this, we are reminding you the availability of specific Service Packs for product lines:
- modular dryers: Ace, Dual, Poker, Tandem, Tris, Tetris;
- Griff;
- Noir:
- Drawers dryer: Dido Shop and Dido Pro;
- Flash Spot: Magic, Easy, YoYo;
- Folding machine Speedy T.
Thanks to Chiossi and Cavazzuti products Service Packs, you can guarantee the customers production continuity even during our closing time.
Contact our sales dept. to inform us of your needs or any emergencies by the closing date.
Chiossi e Cavazzuti Team